Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 192

Sunday was the first full day on Jekyll Island for us. Dad was going to head our way after church got out. Right down the road from where we are staying is something called driftwood beach. We thought it was a good distance off so we would make that our morning run. We headed out and guess what? We were there in about 5 minutes. So, our tiny run went well and we enjoyed walking around the driftwood beach. It is gorgeous but not what you might guess. Basically, the ocean came up the beach into the jungle/forest. All of these trees are now on their sides with some roots standing taller than people! I didn't have my camera with me but I couldn't wait to take tons of pictures. After the run, we were in desperate need of groceries. I got to drive and we had to cross the huge bridge. It was kind of nerve wracking because I was still getting used to driving the truck and we had to drive over this really tall bridge back onto the mainland. We survived though. We stopped and ate at mcdonald's too...that's the only breakfast restaurant in town. After we had a good breakfast & then a good grocery shopping trip at Winn-Dixie. After we unloaded the groceries back at the house, we went to the beach for a little bit. One annoying thing about Jekyll is that if it's high tide, there is absolutely no beach. Rocks line the beach to help prevent erosion so at high tide the water is right up to the rocks. It was low tide when we went down, and we stayed in the water for a while. And amazingly enough we found tons of sand dollars! We each collected one and ended up just counting the rest that we found. The water is really murky but it felt really good and helped to cool us off. After, we sat out on the beach and I about fell asleep on mine haha. Getting back into the house after cooling off in the pool, caleb & mom started watching the world cup game (the final Spain vs. Netherlands) while I read my edu chapter. I finished as Dad arrived and the game was finishing. Spain won 1-0 after lots of overtime. :) We went and ate at Latitude 31 off of some pier. It was really good, I ate grilled scallops and potatoes. Great day number 2!

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