Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 200

Today is Day 200 of my Project 365! Hard to believe! Well, it is July 19th, 2010. I woke up at 7:00 and was off to work at 9:00. I chatted with a couple of my co-workers and started on my work. I finished up at 2:30 and headed home. I was excited to get home because I knew that all of the mail that had gathered at the post office during our vacation was to be delivered! I just love getting mail. :) I got in and I had a few pieces of junk but a few good pieces of mail. My American Eagle clothes came in and I got a letter from my boyfriend!! It was extra special because he sent it to me when he was in England so it had been sent across the ocean and had English stamps. He was really sweet because it had postcards in it from all of the places he had visited while in England and Spain. That made me very happy. My clothes also fit so that was also good! After that, I went outside and washed my car with the help of my family. They had washed their cars earlier so it was time for mine. Now all 4 of our cars are clean & shiny! After, I took pictures of the postcards Alex sent me and put an old toy car I had on top of it. It's cool because it was an old VW bug and that's the car that I drive! :) We ate brunswick stew for supper and it was yummy. Now, relaxation for the rest of the evening! :)

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