Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 187

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I woke up ran, showered, and was off to work. The newest employee in my office (she is I guess another boss) started Tuesday. I met her in Taliaferro and she seems really nice, I'm excited about getting to know her. I chatted a little, helping out Laura when I was needed, and continued my not-so-exciting job of gathering data. After work, I dropped of my good student discount at our insurance company's office and headed home. I have a research paper for education due Thursday and I decided that Tuesday I would really work on gathering sources. I watched some TV and talked to Alex and experimented with some macro filters a lady at church lent to me. They're so awesome! I haven't experimented with macro before (though I've wanted to). You just have to get really close to something for it to even focus properly. So I had fun with that outside, but as you notice I was procrastinating. I got back inside and called back a girl from my class and we talked about the paper. She told me some information that I hadn't noticed which made me quite stressed because I still had a long way to go. So I worked some, calmed myself down, and went to bed.

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