Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 205

Saturday! I woke up and ate breakfast with Alex. Then, we headed out with his brother to Helen, GA. We wanted to go tubing down the river and it was a perfect day for that. Well, apparently we had the same notion as everybody else. Driving to the drop off point, the river was full of people in tubes and the line to get tubes and into the river, was extremely long. We had originally decided to go to Anna Ruby Falls after riding the tubes down the river but we changed our minds and headed to Anna Ruby Falls instead. I had visited Anna Ruby with Alex's family the first time I met them so it's hard to believe that 9 months have passed! It was pretty as ever but it was also very crowded. We decided to head on back to the house instead of doing anything else because it had started thundering and looked like a storm was coming. Will & I fell asleep and poor Alex was left to drive (he was ok though...he loves to drive). Another fun day with Alex & his family!

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