Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 199

Today I woke up to the light of the bathroom and sound of the shower. It's tough to sleep late in a hotel room but since I went to bed at 10, waking up at 7 was no problem. After convincing myself to get out of bed, I showered and once everyone had done so, we went to the hotel lobby for breakfast. They had a pretty good selection. I ate a sausage biscuit, 2 boiled eggs, a few french toast sticks, and orange juice. We packed up our stuff (which wasn't much because we had packed overnight bags) and loaded the vehicles again for the ride home. Mom and I were in the truck and Dad and Caleb were in Caleb's car. So we were off just after 9. We didn't ever stop so we arrived at home around 11:30. It was a pleasant drive, Mom and I talked the whole way about a large number of topics, and I would guess Caleb and Dad did too. It had tried to sprinkle on the trip home, especially once we got close to home. After we got home, we gathered the essentials and went into the house. I went and checked out of the front door, expecting to find my American Eagle clothes, I found that my lens had made it home!! I was really excited so I immediately sat down and unwrapped it and then proceeded to put it back on my camera. Man, I had gotten really used to the small lens so this one feels so heavy in comparison! We sat and watched some TV, just happy to be home, while we ate lunch. Soon, I went out and snapped some shots before the rain hit - which it looked like it was about to. After I came back inside, Caleb & Dad took a nap and I loaded my pictures and talked to Alex briefly. Later, Caleb and I went to Ingles and got some movies to watch: Post Grad, The Bounty Hunter, and The Crazies. We watched The Bounty Hunter first and enjoyed it (I had seen it in theaters while at school) and then we ate a yummy supper of grilled cheese sandwiches and french fries. Now, The Crazies is on and I am not watching. I do not like horror films in the least and I am glad with my decision to sit in the corner and mess around on the computer instead of be scared out of my wits. Caleb has seen this but I think he's just as scared now as Mom and Dad are now. I'm glad to be home and I look forward to seeing my co-workers again tomorrow, but I will miss Jekyll Island. I do believe that Summer Vacation 2010 has officially ended, and believe me, it was a great one. :)

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