Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 182

Thursday was back to work. I woke up and ran again (3 times this week!!) and felt really good after the run so maybe I'll increase my distance next time I run. I took my pictures after I finished running so I could get a different side of things, especially since it was so foggy that morning! It's so nice to be starting the process of getting back in shape. I've been such a bum about exercise but hopefully that trend is turning around. Thursday is the 9 month anniversary of when Alex & I started dating so that was a little exciting tidbit of the day. Work was fine as usual and when I got home, it was time for homework again and I settled down. I was logged into facebook and Alex was online! So we chatted for a good long while on Thursday, which was really nice. At 4 my mom told me (which much hesitation because she knew it would distract me from my homework) that Oprah was on and that she had the stars of the Eclipse movie on her show! So of course I had to go watch it. It's so funny how Robert Pattinson is British yet you can't even hear his accent in the movies! He said that some words were difficult to imitate the American accent, especially water and nachos (I mean to ask Alex to pronounce "nachos" for me next time I see him). So still talking to Alex, I got back to homework. I had done my reading earlier in the week so it was time for the actual assignments. I finished one, I took a long time telling Alex goodbye (he's off to Spain and didn't know if he'd get internet connection easily), we ate supper and I started my homework again. Dad wanted to rent some movies from Ingles so he & mom went to the store and got a few to watch. That night, we watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. It was a good movie, a little cheesy at parts, but I enjoyed watching it with the family. After it ended, I had to take a quiz for my edu class and by midnight I was going to bed. Whew...quite a full day! :)

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