Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 207

Ah I love catching up with the blog. I feel better if I can write the blog the day of the picture but that doesn't always happen. Anyways, so today I woke up and had to pack up everything to leave Alex's. After I packed, I showered and headed upstairs for a brunch. Alex made nachos & I made a sandwich. I didn't want to leave but it was time to so about 12:30 I was headed towards home. There was a ton of traffic on 400 not quite stop & go but almost. I got home in about 2 hours and I was glad to be home. No one was there but, as I figured out, they were all out doing their own thing. Mom and Dad came home not long after because they had to go pick up Caleb from driver's ed and take him to soccer practice. I started a load of laundry and watched some TV. I went outside to take pictures when the sun was just beginning to sink beneath the clouds so there was still plenty of light. The cats came out as usual so I petted them for a few minutes. I tried to take pictures of them but they preferred me petting them. I went back inside and watched some more TV and bought the rest of my books for school...and boy are they ever expensive. My parents called when Caleb's practice was done and that was my direction to start preparation for supper. Pork chop had been in the crock pot all day but I had to fix the green beans & pasta. We have a difficult can opener so I had trouble for longer than I should have but none the less, I was successful. Once my family got home, it wasn't long before supper was ready & served. After clean up, we went to the family room and watched an interesting new episode of Lie To Me (I love this show =]). Now I have folded my clothes and wasted too much time on my new pointless activity (FrontierVille on facebook). I'm tired but thankfully that the air-conditioning has been fixed so I can sleep in my own bed. I've got work tomorrow of course but then a movie with a friend from high school, which will be fun. I must say, life is good. :)

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