Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 181

Wednesday! So Tuesday night at 10:00 I left my house, with my parents & brother, & we headed into Macon to go to the movie theater. Why so late you might ask? Well at midnight was the ECLIPSE PREMIER!!! AHHH! Ok, so yes, I was quite excited. There were a lot of people there and the line was wrapped around the building even at 10:30. In front of the theater, there was a blood donor vehicle (they were collecting bone marrow) which kind of cracked me up because we were watching a vampire movie haha. They also had cars that were suppose to be the cars that the actors drove in the movies and they had a cardboard cutout of each of the characters by the vehicles. I met my friend Lauren and her mom at the theaters so we were in line together and planned to sit together. There was an early showing of the movie to the TwiMoms (of Macon I guess) so we had to wait for them to get out of the theater. How were they so lucky to get an early showing?? Anyways, we got seated probably between 11:30-11:45 so we sat down to wait for the show to begin! They had issues with seating (the theaters were packed) so the showing didn't start until probably about 12:30 but who cares. The movie got out about 2:30 and I was ready for bed! The movie was AMAZING though, it followed the books so well and hey, what girl would complain about having to watch the movie?! So we got home and I went to bed by 3:30. I took Wednesday off from work (I'd just go in Friday instead) and slept until 11:30. So I woke up and worked on homework. Alex skyped me that night so we got to talk for a little bit. Caleb had gotten a wood burning kit at walmat so he burned a little picture and that is what my photo-of-the-day's subject is. He was quite excited it would be a photo-of-the-day. :)

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