Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 180

Tuesday is a day I can't remember much least about what I did in the middle part of the day. I woke up early again to go running before work and in my process of getting ready, I discovered the new trailer for the last Harry Potter movies to be made! Ahh it's so good...I can't wait for the movies to come out! The first installment of the last book comes out in November and the final installment comes out next July. As my mom pointed out, I started reading the Harry Potter books when I was in the 4th grade (at that point the first 4 books were out) and once all of the movies have been made and released, I will be in the summer before my junior year of college! That's a long time. Anyways, so work went fine and I got home to work on homework. I was hoping to skype Alex but something happened where he couldn't get online so I didn't get the chance to speak with him. Tuesday night though was a very special night...but the even did not occur until after midnight so technically it happened on be continued next blog! :)

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