Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 208

Today was a good day. I woke up, showered and got ready, and was off to work. It was good to see everybody again today after my long weekend with my wonderful boyfriend. I still feel like today should be Monday but I guess I can't complain since it's that much closer to Friday! After leaving work, I headed home to find mom and dad almost running out of the door to pick up Caleb from driver's ed so they could ferry him to soccer practice. I sat down and watched Opera while I waited for my friend Angela to make it to my house after she got out of work. Opera was about people discovering who their ancestors are. Genealogy has always interested me but I have never put in the time or effort to make my family tree. These famous people who Opera followed went on journeys to the other side of the globe to discover family members they never knew they had. I can only wish that the average population had that chance. Angela made it to my house after the Opera show went off and the two of us were off to Macon for a movie night. First we went to Kohl's and though I didn't plan on trying anything on, much less buying, I found this adorable little dress for $15 that I couldn't resist. :) Angela was successful, too, & we then went and ate at Krystal. The movie we went to watch was Despicable Me. I had heard great reviews from friends and I wanted to see it for myself. Oh my goodness I loved it so much! It's funny and heartwarming all at the same time. Ah...just great. :) Leaving the theater, we saw the most gorgeous sunset I have seen in a very long time. Wow. I unfortunately did not have my camera but as I saw on my favorite photography website, don't get depressed if you see something spectacular and can't photograph it - just enjoy it for what it is! I did just that, staring at the sky the whole way home (Angela was driving so that was alright). Seeing such beauty makes me thank God for my amazing life & for this beautiful world we live in. Angela dropped me off at home and the family & I watched the premier of a new Gordon Ramsey show - Master Chef. I like Hell's Kitchen so this was interesting too. Now it is time to get ready for bed because another day at work awaits me bright & early. Goodnight world! =]

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