Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 188

Today was another good day. I ran again and headed off to work. I knew I needed to get home and work so I tried to get to work early, but that didn't really happen because I got there about the time I normally do. So I finished the part of the project I could complete at that time and finished up the day reading bulletins. We had a big group eating lunch today. It's quite funny, all of the employees (including interns) are all women except for the coordinator (the main boss). There is a whole lot of estrogen in that place. Thankfully, we all like each other and get along quite well. I got paid, which is quite nice. On my way home, I deposited the check and as soon as I got to the house, I crashed for an hour nap. Waking up, I watched a little TV and chatted Alex before getting to my paper. Now it is time for bed and I am over half way done with (at least the draft stage) of my paper. That's good progress on my account and hopefully tomorrow by this time I will be done with all I have to do and that it was done well. I bought a Flickr Pro account so I'm really excited about that. I wouldn't have upgraded my account, but it didn't show all of the pictures I had loaded (it can only show 200 at a time without pro) so now I can load as many as I'd like! :) Tomorrow is another day of work: job & school wise. Goodnight world! :)
Oh! Yesterday, I forgot to mention it but I heard about my lens that was in the shop! An estimate had been done (that was all they'd done) and they told me I had to pay for them to fix it and that the warranty was only 1 year so the lens wasn't covered. I had heard that the Sigma lenses had a 3 year warranty and I was correct about that (the guy called the main company and found out the correct info) so I now do not have to pay for the lens to be fixed, thank goodness. Now it has finally been sent to the tech people and I should hopefully (fingers crossed) have it back in about 2 weeks.

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