Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 184

Today has a been a good Saturday (July 3rd 2010 by the way :) ). I slept until 10:00 and basically just sat around. I turned on the TV and got online, Alex was online so we chatted for a little while. About noon, mom, dad, and I went to Macon to run some errands. We got lunch, too, and ate at Ron and Cheng's - the chinese food and southern cooking restaurant that I love so much. At Walmart, I picked up the latest Stephanie Meyer's latest book: (officially) The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner:
An Eclipse Novella. I have read books that are probably almost 1000 pages long. This one is quite short...novella is a good description for it. It will take me probably an hour max to read it but I am excited about reading it. I am banned from reading it until vacation though, my mom took it from me. We picked Caleb up from his friend's house next and once we got home, all of us took naps. I slept hard until my dad woke me up...I could've slept for a lot longer but I didn't need to. We watched Shutter Island and man, it sure put me in a weird mind funk for a while. After, we went out to pick mom's cucumbers and tomatoes that have grown. They're so cute...& the subject for my picture today!! Now it's time for supper! :)

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