Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 185

Happy 4th of July everybody! It sure is great to be an American, isn't it? So today started like most Sunday's do, I woke up showered and after getting completely ready (unfortunately in my non-patriotic outfit), we were off to church. Sunday school was small today and so was the overall church attendance. I wasn't surprised, this is a big travel weekend for people! After church, we came home and I read some just for fun and mom made cookies! They're oatmeal raisin with nuts! They smell so delicious. I had though of what I wanted to do for my picture today...take one of my mini flags and stick it in the ground and then lay down beneath it to take pictures. Well, the ground is VERY dry and hard so I gave up on that idea pretty quickly. I wandered around the yard with my flags and camera and eventually came out with one that I like! My Grandmother is coming over soon and we're going to socialize and enjoy a cook-out this evening. Hope everyone has a lovely Independence Day!! :)

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