Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 206

Sunday July 25th. I woke up and showered and joined Alex and his Dad watching a Formula 1 Race. I wasn't really interested so I played on my phone and held Alex's hand. We ate a late breakfast and then Alex and I headed off into town to make reservations at the bowling alley. After, we kinda just drove around town and he showed me the town square. We kept driving and we went to Lake Lanier. We stopped and walked to the shore to look out over the water. It was so pretty out there and the water was such a pretty blue. We got back in the car and found a road that led to the river that fed into the Buford Dam. It was really pretty and the water looked nice and refreshing. It was very hot outside though so we didn't stay very long. We headed back to the house and everybody got ready to head out to go bowling. The whole family went so it was a fun outing. We played 3 games and I didn't do so bad! Game 1: 84, Game 2: 99, Game 3: 116! Plus I got a strike every game, and 2 the final game. I never won but my scores were good and we had a fun time. :)

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