Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 202

Today has been a full day. I woke up, showered, and was off to work. I worked another full day and after work (finishing up my 20 hours of the week), I headed to Target. I looked at the clothes and tried on a few things though nothing grabbed me enough to buy. I went to the shoe section and found a cute pair of brown flats! I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy them yet or not so I just held onto them and walked around a little more. We had been looking for Julie & Julia on DVD so we could have a family night with my grandmother and watch it. So, since Target normally has a large movie collection, I went and looked for J&J. I found it so I thought I'd buy it. I decided to get the shoes, too, so I checked out and was finally off towards home. I came home to an empty house (I'm "all by myseelf" tonight) and Mom said she couldn't find a library book. So I found it and went to drop it off in town quickly (in case it was due) and I treated myself with a strawberry shake from Burger King. I heated up some left over brunswick stew for something real to eat. I ran around doing random things that I can't think of what they were now so when I actually ate my stew, it was cold but none the less, it still tasted good. I put in the Julie & Julia movie and tried to sit down and watch it. A storm came up, and so my dog went crazy scratching the windows as he always does so I was trying to yell at him to stop. I eventually tied him up and called and talked to Alex for a little bit on the phone. Oh ha I forgot. Another troubling instance is that the air conditioning decided to stop working upstairs. So I am going to have to sleep downstairs on the couch...lovely. Anyways, I hung up with Alex and gathered together (started the process really) the stuff I'll take tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I am off to visit Alex! It has been over a month since I've seen him and boy do I miss him. I'm staying until Monday so it's going to be a great weekend. He was getting onto me about not packing yet (joking of course) so he should be proud with my progress. :) Once it got too hot upstairs to do anything else, I came back down and restarted J&J...well back to where I really stopped watching and I have just finished it. I love this movie and story. It is such a neat love story I can't help but cry out of happiness at the end. Ah. :) Now I'm beginning to get sleepy and comfortable on the couch so I will be going to sleep soon. Goodnight my dear readers.

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