Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 179

Today has been a pretty good Monday. I woke up at 5:45 to bid farewell to my dad and brother (and friends) as they left to drive to Alabama. They were taking a large collection of books & clothes to some shipping place to later be sent to India. They're coming home today, too, so that's a long drive. After, mom and I went running. I ran around the neighborhood and mom ran a 4 mile loop around town. I'm trying to get back in shape and this is the first step! After running, I cooled off and read some of my edu chapter for today then showered and repeated the reading process while my hair was air drying some. After I got ready, I headed to work. Work went good as usual and it stormed a little in the middle of the day...but you couldn't tell it had poured so hard once the sun came back out. When I left work, it wasn't raining so I was glad about that. I went by the bookstore on Mercer's campus because I was going to buy some books for next semester but it was an orientation day so I left without even parking because I didn't want to deal with the masses of freshman and company. I got home and have sense been relaxing and watching TV with my mom. The picture today is of a button zinnia that my mom grew! I really really really want a macro lens but I'm making due with what I have now. :)

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