Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 167

Wednesday turned out to be a little bit more productive. I wandered around a little bit taking pictures before settling down to socialize with some other workers. After lunch, I was sent to help work in a classroom. I helped a man with a special activity for the kids. There were six stations of food (apple, banana, cheese crackers, graham cracker, pretzel, and celery) that the kids were to "decorate" with peanut butter and all were to take part eating this treat. I was definitely needed to help so I was glad to be where I was needed. Since I'm taking an online class this summer I was in great need of internet access. If you hadn't already guessed, Taliaferro County is in the middle of no where. I have to fight to find service at the house I was staying and of course there is no wireless...they only had dial up. I took the opportunity Wednesday night to travel to Athens (an hour away) so I could submit my homework for the week. FBC Athens provided workers for week number one at camp and their interim youth minister offered me a bed for the night in Athens so I could have a chance to use internet. (The funny thing is her name is Hannah too so her husband must've had a very confusing time knowing who to talk to when he said "Hannah"). I was glad of the opportunity to have internet but I tell sure is a pain having the need for internet and having to drive an hour to find it.

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