Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 154

Thursday was the long trip home. I got bored & cramped in the car but I suppose every vehicle would have done that, too. I finished reading Eclipse the third book in the Twilight series again...I have read those book so many times. Once we got home, I was very happy to be out of the car. Unfortunately, I couldn't immediately relax because I had to finish up my online class assignment. I have decided that if I can ever help it again, I will NEVER take another class online during the summer. I'm just not in the mood! Anyways back to the picture. Somebody at the my dad's home church had made these little crosses for everybody. There were extras, so my parents & I all were given one. It reminds me of once on my choir tour years when a sweet woman made every person a little ceramic dove which she hung from white ribbon. I can see it now hanging on my dresser and I just love how sweet people can be, asking nothing in return. :)

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