Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 159

Today was a good day...a very successful one. It is June 8th 2010 & it is 2 days from my birthday! Yay! :) I woke up at 6:15 this morning to go running with my mom. We only ran 1.8 miles but it about killed me, I'm so out of shape. Anyways, once we were done, I rushed to get ready and was at work at 9:15. I worked, with a lunch break, until 5:15 and headed towards home. Today I had another little job where I had to go to a neighbor's house of mine to feed their cat & water the plants. I was still dressed in my shirt & skirt & heels so I was not dressed appropriately for this job. I eventually took my heels off because I had to go wander and find the hose in the back yard and then yank & pull on it to get it untangled and to the plants I needed to water. Even with all of this trouble, I succeeded and made it home, although hot & sweaty, to a lovely supper of waffles & peaches. Then I finished cleaning my room and loaded my pictures from my neighbor's house. There are these flowers my neighbor is always growing & I love them!! They're so pretty...unfortunately they were kind of wilty but I still got their picture. I'm excited because in a little over an hour, my boyfriend will be at my house! He's at soccer tryouts now but once he gets here, he'll be here until Saturday. :)

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