Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 153

Wednesday was a very exciting day for our church's youth choir. Every year, they go on a choir tour and travel somewhere in the continental US. I have been on 6 of these choir tours, seventh grade through twelfth grade. Our final destinations were Washington, D.C, California, Pennsylvania, Key West, New York, and San Antonio. I loved each and every one of the trips and am sad that I would not be attending this one to Virginia. My brother is still in the choir, having just finished the 9th grade. So my whole family & I got up before I ever wanted to and headed to the church to bid adieu to the choir. Instead of just saying goodbye, my parents & I piled in my brother's car and followed the bus. Why might you ask? Well, the first destination was in North Carolina at my father's home church in his home town where his family still lives. We were going to try to surprise my grandparents, but though that didn't end up working out, we were still looking forward to the visit. So the ride was long, 6.5 to 7 hours. We got into the town that evening and ate supper at my grandparent's house and went to listen to the concert. The choir did a very good job, better than they had done at the pre-tour concert the previous Sunday. That next morning we told the choir goodbye, along with my brother, and said long goodbyes to my dad's friends and family and we headed back to Georgia. :)

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