Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 174

So today has been an interesting day. I woke up, showered, and took Caleb to church to help with VBS. I started my picture routine again but this time things went very wrong. My lens messed up and I couldn't zoom in any more. So that has caused lots of stress for me today. I left church and went to Coke's Camera downtown Macon and the man said I needed to call Sigma and send the lens back to the company to get fixed. We have to provide the receipt of purchase to prove warranty info but I haven't been able to find that yet. So I'm really stressed about that. I hate not having that good zoom lens. I have an 18-55 mm lens at home but that's nothing compared to 200 mm. Work was fine then I went and walked around the mall. Now I'm home bored and lonely. Alex is in England until July 10th and so I can't talk to him much at all. At least I have other good friends to talk to. :)

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