Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 157

Today was a pretty typical Sunday. I woke up, showered, went to Sunday school and then, as we used to call it, to "big church". We went out to eat at this little restaurant a little ways off from town with a very sweet man from our church. So I ate some good southern food and we headed home all wanting a nap. I read 1/4 of my 2nd chapter for homework and crashed for an hour and a half...woops. Haha oh well, it was a lovely nap. I woke up and read another 1/4 and we left for the movies! My parents & I saw was an alright movie. Not exactly what I expected but I haven't pegged my feelings on it quite yet. So I am still reading my special ed text book, currently about emotional or behavioral disorders aka EBD, and I had to take a picture. I didn't know what to do so I looked around my messy room and spotted my teddy bear. I love this teddy bear and I have had it since Valentine's Day 5th grade. That's a long time you might think. Well yes it is but that is the very first present I was given by a boy. Matt I think was his name and he put it in a box, probably with chocolate, and set it on my desk. I wasn't at school that valentine's day but I got it the next day and was a little surprised/embarrassed/tickled to get it. Matt wanted to be my boyfriend and had asked me out in a little note (or so I think he did...). I talked it over with my mom, and since we were moving that summer, I wrote him a reply saying I don't want to be your girlfriend or something along those lines with a school picture of me. I wish I could see it now haha. So I've kept the bear and still sleep with it every night. I just love remembering sweet memories. :)

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