Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 155

Yesterday was Friday and I had to go back to work. Not that I don't enjoy work or anything but I just had to wake up earlier than I would have liked. So I went in and continued on my project of making graphs to later be presented to church's about their giving to certain organizations, such as the one I work for. But beyond that, I know you probably don't want to hear, it was the weekend and I came home ready to relax. We had a lightning storm last week and it apparently fried our Direct TV cable. So the TV man was at our house to try to fix things. He was suppose to come between 8 and 12 but as it always works, he didn't get there until 3. So when I got home after 4 (in my drive home I had to battle a storm & lots of water on the road...not fun) the TV man was still there working on the satellite and cables and the such. Poor man - he had to work out in the rain and crawl under our house but at least he knew what he was doing, I could never do anything like that. Once he left, our family headed to Ingles to pick up some movies to watch this weekend. You could tell my brother wasn't home because all of the movies we rented were chick flicks: Leap Year, Dear John, & Valentine's Day. We watched Leap Year because it was the only one of the three I hadn't seen and I did really enjoy it. :) I'm not really sure my reasoning behind the picture for yesterday, I just remember liking the light on the kitchen table and the lovely colors.

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