Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 169

Friday!! My first job of the day was to help in the gym activity for the kids. Except this time we were outside. It was a neat little activity, somebody found this stuff called Yuck and felt like bits of Jello but did not leave any residue or scent on your hands. So it was basically water with a neat feel to it. Anyways, we put Yuck into buckets with about 6 items in it which the kids divided up into teams and had a relay race to find the items in a certain order. They said the Yuck was gross but they all loved it and had a lot of fun. After lunch, I helped set up a slide show of the pictures I'd taken during the week and helped leader Hannah teach the kids about communion. Afterwards, I asked if I was needed to help with week two of Touching Taliaferro With Love. They told me no and I got my hopes up about being able to stay home but then they said nope I was needed to be a buddy (a leader to go around with one of the groups). This means I'll definitely be busy all next week. But it was time to go home for a few days! It was a long two hour drive home but it was nice to be back. We watched Book of Eli after a yummy supper of fish and rice. It was an interesting movie, very deep. I talked to Alex for a while before bed...he's off to England/Spain Saturday for a few weeks. I'll miss him but he'll have fun. :)

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