Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 156

Today is Saturday June the 5th. It is so hard to believe that June is already half way through the first week! I still feel like it should be May. But I'm not complaining because my birthday is June the 10th so it's almost my birthday! :) I wanted to sleep in today but I did not allow myself because I knew I had a long to-do list ahead of me. I needed to get a good head start on my assignment for my online class this week because Tuesday my boyfriend is coming over to spend a few days with me. While he's here, why would I want to focus on homework? I also had to start cleaning my room because he is coming and then next Friday I am having a birthday party with my friends from school. Since they're going to be at my house I have to make things look presentable. So I got one chapter of my text book read and a good head start on my room. It is still full of junk piles but it's definitely better than before. My first focus on my room was my bed-side table so I figured I'd let that by my photo-of-the-day. :)

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