Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 164

Sunday June 13. My birthday should be more than officially over by now but it is not! No reader, it is not. :) Sunday morning church though wasn't focused on me. The Sunday morning worship service was focused on our youth choir and their home concert for Choir Tour 2010. They did very good, though I still think their first "on tour" concert was better....they were probably just nervous here. At the end, the choir director called all of the alumnae up to the stage to sing a song we all could sing in our sleep (Bless His Holy Name). He has made us sing that song every year, except for this one strangely enough, for years. It is a nice little, simple, a cappella tune that is easily sung in restaurants as a blessing or some other strange location where a piano is no where to be seen. Anyways...I piled up with the rest of the past choir members and I enjoyed that little time of memories. My grandmother attended this home concert and after church we went home so we could change clothes before heading into Macon. It was time for my birthday dinner at Red Lobster!! Yay! Yes it was quite yummy. I had a nice salad, amazing cheese biscuits, and grilled scallops and shrimp scampi. After we went and talked with my grandmother at her house for about an hour before heading to the movies. We met some other church folk there and we watched The A-Team. I was looking forward to it, and though the beginning made me wary, I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. I'll probably watch it again once it comes out on DVD. Anyways, so I think I must finally say goodbye to my 18th sad. It was lovely and it is nice to say that I'm finally 18 but I'm sad it went by so fast.

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