Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 158

Today, June 7th 2010, was a long day. I woke up at 7:30 and was off to work at 8:30. So I worked for eight hours today. Whew and it was a long day. I continued making charts and reading bulletins. It's tough but the work is good experience and it could be going a lot worse. So I got home about 5:30 and talked more details of my party with my parents. I'm getting really excited, it's going to be a fun weekend with my college buddies & of course I'm excited about my birthday. :) We ate a yummy supper...pasta, green beans, muffins, & pork chop. Looking out the window during supper, I saw that the sun was shining through our plum tree in the front yard making the leaves a brilliant red. So I wandered out there with my camera & got some pictures that I really like. :)

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