Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 177

Well Saturday morning came too early. We woke up before 7:00 and were off to go pick blueberries. Why so early you may ask? family has picked berries for years and blueberries take forever and a day to pick...well at least to pick a good amount. So if you want to get a large number of blueberries, start early. Our goal was 4 gallons so we got started at 7:45. The light was beautiful that morning so I stopped ever so often to take pictures. The photo-of-the-day was one of the first pictures I took at the blueberry farm and I know it isn't of berries, but I just love it! I was the slowest to fill my gallon bucket as always so dad helped me finish filling it up. We got home and spread all of them out and they covered a lot of counter space! I got on facebook and Alex was online so I got to chat him some. :) Dad found the receipt of purchase for my camera lens so I made a run to the post office to ship off my precious package. Fingers crossed for a quick repair! After eating lunch, I took a long, much needed nap. After I woke up, Alex was online again so I got to talk to him for a little while which was nice. I went to bed about 10 last night just because I was tired! Good day though, good day. :)

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