Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 175

Today was a full day. I told myself I was going to run this morning but when I woke up at 6 I convinced myself otherwise and slept a little later. I woke up, got dressed, and headed off to church. On the way, I realized that I had forgotten to put on my thumb drive a picture my parents wanted printed. At church, I took pictures of the VBS kids (which was annoying because of my little lens). After, I went back home and put the picture onto the thumb drive. I went straight to Coke's (back in downtown Macon) and gave the file of the picture to the man working there to print it. Straight after, I went and probably bought the first meal served at Zaxby's...apparently they open at 11:00...who knew? Then I went to the office for work. Whew. I worked the final 4 hours of my 20 how work week. After that, I went and picked up the picture. It is going to be a gift to a person from our church. She told me one day that she just loved the picture of mine of the cardinal in the snow trees...I took that back in January! Anyways, she had done us a big favor this week (letting Caleb spend the night a few nights) so this is the "thank you". I got it printed as an 8x10 but I thought I said 5x7. Oh well, it looks really good and didn't cost much. I then went to Target (it took me a loong time and many round-abouts on the way) and bought a puzzle for the beach and a frame for the picture. Then I went to Ross and found a dress! Yay! Getting home finally I put the picture in the frame and it looks really good. I got some cereal and read a facebook message from my boyfriend...I miss him. Now it's about time for me to work on homework!

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