Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 172

Ah Monday came too early as it always does. I was back to Taliaferro but only for Monday since my boss decided he needed me more in Macon than at the camps (which suits me fine). So I met my boss at a car rental place in Macon and I rode with him in the car just to check up on week number two at camp. It was a long trip (about 2 hours) but my boss entertained us by talking the whole time haha. After a bit at the school, we went to tell my hosts from the previous week goodbye (I printed them off a picture of their house and left it for them to find :]). Riding home was another long trip and my boss continued to talk (though I was not fully aware of what he said for about half an hour...woops. I drove home from the car rental happy to be home!

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