Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 168

Thursday! I had two important jobs so I was not looking for anything to do. Before lunch, I helped in the gym where the kids played twister. It was a long time, each of the 5 groups spent about 30 minutes in the gym and we had to control them...twister wasn't their favorite game haha. After lunch, I helped in the art room where the kids made "prayer beads" which consisted of them cutting out pre-printed prayers, gluing these prayers to triangles of paper, stapling them in a circle (making them look like beads) and putting them on a string to tie into a necklace. So the helpers had to help this process along a lot and once again it was a long time spent repeating this process 5 times. This was the last night I was spending in Taliaferro for the week and I was very much looking forward to going home for the weekend.

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