Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 166

Tuesday - aka TTWL Day 2. I started off day number two by being at the school at 7:30 to prepare for camp. I still only had photography as my job so I wandered around into all of the classrooms taking pictures of the different break out groups. The students had a special treat because a church from North Carolina sent a middle school choir/handbell group to come perform during the camp day. The concert went well and I hope the kids enjoyed it. I ended up taking nearly 400 pictures on Tuesday and I was beginning to discover that only taking pictures left me bored and sitting around doing nothing. Once I got "home" from camp day 2, I took pictures of the house where I was staying. This was where my boss's sister-in-law grew up. It's a log cabin and they have fixed it up and added on a room. It's a nice house so I enjoyed taking pictures of it.

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