Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 212

Saturday was a full day. I slept until 10:30 and after I was showered and ready, Mom and I were off to Atlanta to her brother's house. He and his partner are foster parents for 3 cute little kids and the middle child was turning 3 and had a Dora the Explorer birthday party. The drive up was a little stressful because we had to drive through Atlanta but we made it to the house just before the party started. A large number of kids showed up and I think everyone had a great time, especially when Dora came for a visit! Right before we left, a storm hit and the bottom dropped out. Mom and I didn't know whether we should wait out the storm or head on out but we decided to run for it (literally) and even though the car was at the edge of the lawn, we were pretty wet once we got into the car. Driving was more difficult because we weren't familiar and you had to drive slow because of all of the water and the visibility was low. Anyways, once we got past downtown Atlanta the storm basically cleared and the trip continued on smoothly. We watched the other two movies once we'd gotten home and they both were not enjoyable. Disappointment there but that's choose some good ones & you choose some bad ones. :)

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