Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 211

Friday!! Work went well, though was tiring. I got home and mom suggested that I could try to take pictures of bubbles! So we went outside and she blew bubbles and I tried photographing them. WARNING TO ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS. Unless there is some magical method to taking pictures of bubbles, I found it impossible. I didn't have enough time to focus on a bubble before it either blew away or popped. We tried multiple times and nothing really turned out like I wanted. Bummer. At least we tried, thanks Mom. :) I did end up just taking a picture of a flower growing outside and I really liked how it turned out so I used it as my photo-of-the-day. That evening, we bid adieu to Caleb as he headed off to Hilton Head with two of his friends & one of those friend's family. He was excited about a last minute beach trip so I hope he has a good time! Dad rented some movies from Ingles and we heated up leftovers. We watched Our Family Wedding and it was pretty cute. It could've been made better but that's ok, it was an enjoyable evening! :)

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