Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 235

While Sunday seemed easy and full of relaxation, Monday was extremely hectic. I can't exactly remember what I did during that morning but once I was up and showered, I headed to the CBF office to help Aimee, Kathryn, and Rachel finish up Bear Fair decorations for CSF, load the stuff in vehicles, and take everything back to Mercer. We set our booth up in the UC and prepared to greet the freshmen! At it's peak, the UC was packed full of people so it was difficult to get people's attention and get them to come to the booth (apparently the yummy cookies, brownies, & candy didn't work so great). We did get some people to come through and show interest in CSF so that's really exciting. After I worked half of the Bear Fair shift, I headed to get a little bit of relaxation. Not long after it seems, I had to go to Special Event Team "Training". Since I'm a returning employee, I didn't hear anything new and thankfully was allowed to leave early. Those lucky freshmen get to host overnighters...I'm SO glad that that part of the job is over. After, I immediately headed off to QuadWorks training. I was given a lot of information in a very short time. I'm still trying to digest it but I'm going to survive this and succeed! I know it! :)

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