Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 216

Wednesday. I skimped out on running again and went to work as normal. I stayed longer than normal so I could make up for the time I had missed Tuesday. Getting home, I worked on finishing up the photo album I had started earlier this summer. I had put the pictures in but there was room for descriptions that I hadn't filled out yet. Dad was at church, Mom had a meeting, and Caleb had a youth party to attend. I wasn't doing anything, so it was my job to take Caleb. So after a yummy supper of mini pizzas, I went on my adventure. The driveway to the location of the party is an easily missed dirt road and is hard to least that's the case for my car. Though difficult, I successfully drove my car up the driveway and back down after I dropped Caleb off. On the way, I passed a cemetery and since I hadn't taken any other pictures that day, I thought I'd stop on the way back home. I did stop (though I almost missed that turn, too) and was glad I did. The sun was just starting to set so the lighting was really neat. There were such a wide variety of graves and decor that I enjoyed taking pictures of them. The centerpiece of this cemetery is this a huge cross so I took different shots of it. My favorite shot, though, is of the sun setting behind the cross. I made it back home and watched So You Think You Can Dance with my parents. :)

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