Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 224

Today: Thursday August 12th, 2010. Today was my last official work day for the summer. It was kind of sad to leave because I'll miss all of my co-workers but I'm glad to have a little bit of a break before school starts. Alex had another soccer practice in Macon today so he's going to spend a couple of nights here so he can see me for a couple of days before school starts back. It was funny because as soon as I parked in the driveway, he pulled up into the driveway! Perfect timing. :) Dad was home with Caleb and Mom got home soon. They were off to Caleb's school orientation quickly so they weren't home long. Alex and I then had the task of making lasagna for supper. Thankfully we had instructions from my mom so the preparation went just fine. Alex went to soccer practice and the rest of my family got home from the high school. (Caleb is a sophomore, how crazy is that?) Then the four of us ate the lasagna (& yes it was yummy). Caleb and Dad were off to Caleb's soccer practice. While we were eating, the sun was shining but it started pouring all of a sudden! It didn't rain for long but I was able to get some neat pictures during the rain. I worked on clearing off my memory card for my camera and mom washed/folded some clothes. Now we're watching some TV and waiting for everyone to come home from soccer! :)

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