Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 221

Today I headed back to work. My poor baby car had to go to the shop to be serviced. :( It acted kinda funky a few days ago but no one at the shop could figure out why and now (fingers crossed) it seems to be fine. That meant that I had to drive my Dad's truck to work. I learned how to drive on his truck so I can manage it but I really don't like driving anything other than my car. The truck is so much higher off the ground than my adorable bug! Work went fine and I made a successful Kroger run (during work) in the truck and after work, I also made it to the other side of Macon so I could fill up my Dad's truck with gas and finally pick up my potter piece from Amphora. I was really happy how my letter "H" came out, though the mistake I made is pretty obvious. That's ok...I am very happy with how it looks otherwise. :) I got home and Dad and I went to go pick up my car from the shop and then get some new windshield wiper blades. Later, Mom, Dad, and I picked Caleb up from cross country practice (they had to run outside in nearly 100 degrees! craziness). We went and ate at the Hong Kong Palace really close to our house before Caleb had to go to soccer practice. He is one busy boy I tell you. So, Mom & Dad left to take Caleb and I took some pictures at home. Yes, I know that I took another picture of the zenias but I am going to get the goodie out of them while I can! I'm watching Cake Boss now (I LOVE this show!) :)
I still find it hard to believe that I am 221 days into this project! I'm so happy that I've come this far and I can't wait to see the rest of the year through my camera! :)

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