Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 250

Day 250! Only 115 days left of this project. :) I woke up a little later than normal because I had showered last night, which was nice. I got dressed and ready and went to the QuadWorks office for my office hour. I ate a hearty breakfast of lunchable's pizza, fruit smoothie/drink, & strawberries. I reviewed my psychology and did some research for my education class. After my hour ended, I headed back to my dorm to gather my things for class. I had a test in psychology today. I felt good about it and was able to answer everything except for one. I went and saw Alex briefly before my education class because I had a few extra minutes. Education went fine and I was off to choir. That went well too...I think we were a little off because our conductor wasn't too pleased. Hopefully that was just because of the long weekend. We're singing a Czech song and we looked at the words the first time today. A girl who knows Czech came in and tried to slowly pronounce everything for us so we could learn how to sing the words. Boy that is a tough language. Especially with all of those symbols over the vowels. Oh well...we'll figure it out eventually. :) Japanese was even easier last year though...whew. Haha I'm enjoying choir - don't get me wrong. After choir I quickly went to my car and drove to Academy. I discovered yesterday that my intramural soccer team had a game today at 5:30. Guess who didn't have any equipment? ME! Dad came into Macon so he brought me socks & shin guards (thanks for that!) and I had to buy some new cleats. I found some and then went to the office to get in some time. I worked as long as I could and then headed back to school for the game. Unfortunately I was late, along with about half of the team, so we were disqualified and had to forfeit the game. Major bummer. We decided to scrimmage anyways and our team (The Misfits) ended up winning. Oh well...at least we got some experience. I wish we could've won and had it count though. There is always next time for that! We went to dinner in the caf next. I got some shrimp scampi thing and it wasn't half bad. Now I'm back in the room about to start on homework...thankfully I don't have much. :)

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