Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 272

Wednesday the 29th was my hardest day. After classes from 8-2 I rushed to work so I could squeeze in a little bit of time before heading back to campus. Then my QuadWorks boss and co-chair and I headed to downtown Macon. We wanted to ask the shop owners on Cherry Street if we could paint homecoming & "GO MERCER" stuff on their windows in order to get Mercer & the macon community more involved. Only 1 really said yes but many were closed so we'll go back another time. A short amount of time after we got back to campus from that, I went to our second Field Work Seminar for education. It was slow and boring but they always are. Once that got out, I zipped back to my room and then to the UC to meet Emily. Emily is a journalism major and she writes articles for our newspaper - The Cluster. Her article was over the cheerleading team and she wanted me to take pictures of their practice for her! I was glad to help out. 300 pictures later, I had fun and was glad to be able to take pictures, despite the annoying low light situations. I went straight from there to Willingham Auditorium for Dating Doctor. Another QuadWorks committee brought the real life Hitch to come speak to us. He came last year and everybody loved it so I wanted to go, too. He was hilarious & though I'm very happy in my relationship, he gave good tips. It was raining when the show ended so I was glad to be back in the dry dorm. When I arrived, I just chilled and looked over the pictures I took for a little bit. I was super tired and kind of overwhelmed. Alex called me and I went and talked to him for a little bit and he calmed me down. Oh how I love him. :)

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