Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 271

Tuesday the 28th was a little bit fuller. I began my actual field work hours that morning which meant waking up at 6:30 (am) to shower and arrive at my school at 8:15. I left at 10:15 and got back to campus in just enough time to change clothes, grab my books, and head to class. Psychology, Education, and Choir went just fine. I headed to work and once I left, I ran back to my room to grab my stuff for my next projects. There was a homecoming priority volleyball game that I had to go to but thankfully my co-workers took my place and allowed me to get to my championship intramural game on time. This was just the first game of the championships but it was still pretty exciting. Daryl was our goalie, since Jason couldn't play, & it was his first time EVER in the goal. We ended up tying 2-2 in the full game time and stayed tied after a 10 minute over time. The next step was shootouts - poor Daryl I'm sure was very nervous. We ended up scoring all of the shootout shots we took so we won the game! It was an awesome game. :)

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