Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 261

Saturday I slept until 10:30. I woke up got ready and woke Alex up saying it was time to eat. We went to the caf and were joined by Daryl & Jason. Alex and I then went to CVS so I could buy some cold medicine for this annoying cold that just randomly decided to pop up. After we got back, I put on a dress and made myself up all pretty. I met up with Emily and her mom and we walked over to Willingham. We were to join the others of our class mates to be inducted into Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. I was happy to be invited to join (you had to have a 3.5 GPA either 1st or 2nd semester of your freshman year). Mom, Dad, Caleb, & Grandmom came to watch the ceremony so it was extra special. Such a large group of students got inducted...that's really good! The ceremony was short and sweet and we all received a Phi Eta Sigma pin and certificate. I am now Greek! ΦΗΣ :) After the ceremony & cake & tea I told my family goodbye and I went to change clothes so I could go watch Alex's club soccer game. I met Jason, Cecilia, & Daryl and we rode in Jason's car to the field. Alex's team won again & this time Alex was able to score on a PK! I was so proud. :) I was able to chat with an old friend from high school who's brother is on Alex's team...catching up is always nice. After the game, the 5 of us went to steak and shake. I only had $5 (which is plenty for a meal) so I was sad about not being able to get a milkshake but I drank some of Alex's so it was fine I didn't get to buy my own :). Afterwards, I went back to my dorm for a little bit while Alex played some video games. Around 11 a large group of us met up in Alex/Jason/Daryl's dorm's common area to watch Accepted. It is a funny movie I've seen once before but I do believe we were all acting pretty funny ourselves once the movie ended at 1:00 am. I left around 2:00 and slept like a baby.

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