Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31. :)

Today is the last day of January. Hard to believe isn't it?

I went to church back at home this morning & got to talk to some people I hadn't seen in a while. There are a couple of photographers who go to my church & they had been following this project so they gave me some advice, to try to take some abstract pictures.

Here is my first try at being abstract:
My dorm & practice room key attached to my keychain. I really like this picture, first off because of the colors, & also because of the details and depth of the picture.
Photography is still a work in progress for me but I'm sure enjoying the ride. =]

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 30.

Today is day 30....January 30th, 2010. Hard to believe that it's been almost a month since this year has started & since I've started this project.

Today is a homework day. Well...suppose to be. I slept until like 11:45, took a shower, read a little, then went to my school's basketball game. I took a couple on the way to the game. It is cold & misty today. Just gross. I'm so ready for the hot weather to come back...& the sun. So my picture today is of leaves against the gray sky. I like the pattern it makes.

So now I'm back to the books. Oh, & we won the basketball game! =]

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29.

Savannah is known for it's sweet treats. Yesterday walking on the river walk my group stopped at Savannah's Candy Kitchen. I bought some pralines & turtles...and this yummy chocolate covered strawberry. Yeah...I know the leaves look kinda wilted but that's because it stayed in the box until today when I ate it. It was great but I bet it would've been even better fresh. :)

day twenty-eight.

Yesterday my women's choir at school went to Savannah for GMEA. I was really excited to be going for choir but also to be going to Savannah. I have been a few times & I always enjoy being there in such a beautiful city. As soon as our bus arrived I was ready to walk around & see the sights through my camera. We got a chance to do such a thing & after a couple of hours of walking I ended up with close to 200 pictures. I looked at this image preview right after I took it & I thought that it was really cool. I didn't mean for the sun to hit exactly in the middle of the lamp post but I thought it turned out great. I hadn't really looked at the rest of the pictures when I chose my photo-of-the-day so I might've chosen a different one than this but since I do like this picture, I decided to stick with it. =]

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 27.

So today (Yes I still want to call it today though it has been over an hour since it's really yesterday) was a good day. Kinda stressful but still fun. My friends & I went to my school's basketball game then out to eat for a late milkshake run. I took some neat pictures at the basketball game but I really like this one. I was walking back from class to go eat lunch with my friend & saw this up in a tree. She has grown used to me stopping and looking up...she knows that I'm framing a shot in my head. So though I got some neat actions shots, I choose to stick with a tree picture. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26.

Today was another pure blue, cloudless, gorgeous looking day. I, for once, did not spend time walking around campus taking pictures of the perfect sky & buildings but had fun instead experimenting for my photo-of-the-day. I got a lunch to-go from the caf since I had a lot of work to do (I still do...but that's besides the point). For it, I made a salad & put some broccoli on it. As I was eating some of the broccoli, I thought as I always do, that this looks like a little mini tree. So I feel like I'm eating the branches & trunk of a tree as I eat it. I thought: well wouldn't this be a cool subject for my picture today. Then, I experimented with different backgrounds & settings but this is the picture that I choose. It is by far the most unique picture I've taken for this project, well maybe with the exception of the m&m's, & I think it is quite a cute little picture. :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day Twenty Five!

Ah, mondays. Thought it's hard to believe, today is the beginning of the first full week of classes for me & my university. It was also a bea-u-tiful day. =] I was so glad to see this & I was very excited to take pictures around campus. Though the day became 100% clear (with the exception of one tiny cloud), it started off slightly cloudy. So at 10 this morning (when I was walking to the music building) I enjoyed getting pictures with clouds & blue sky. I did not choose one of those pictures as my photo-for-the-day because I have so many similar to it. I choose this picture because it is of a flower, & I love taking flower pictures, though I haven't posted one yet this year. I really haven't had many opportunities to use flowers for my pictures but I'm glad I had this chance today. :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

day 24.

Today is the 24th day of the month & of my project. I cannot believe how much time has passed already this year, it seems like January just started & now it's almost over. Today was once again, yet another yucky, rainy day. Campus even had a tornado watch. So needless to say, I didn't venture out of my dorm too much, just did a lot of reading for classes tomorrow. When I did leave, it was off to choir practice. I was looking around to find something to photograph & I thought the trees over the pathway I was on looked pretty cool. So I took the picture in a regular setting but it turned out looking black & white. I like how the branches all lead to once central point. Let's hope that this week's weather improves. :)

Day 23.

Yesterday was January 23rd. It was the Saturday of my brother's bowling birthday party. He has never been happy about the fact that he cannot have a swimming birthday party in January (like I could in June) so bowling has become his activity of choice. Twice now we have gone bowling and twice he has gotten an ice-cream cake to celebrate. These cakes are always quite yummy and this one was no exception. So, happy birthday, brother. :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day Twenty Two.

Today is January 22nd. The 22nd day of my project. The birthday of my brother.
Once again, the weather was yucky. At least it wasn't raining like yesterday but it was cloudy, windy, humid, & cold. Gotta love Georgia. =] But anyways, I hadn't gotten a good opportunity to take a picture yet & as I was walking to my car to go celebrate my brother's birthday, I walked past this mural. My dorm has a little sitting area in the middle of it & there are a couple of these quotes painted up on the walls. I always enjoy reading them (though I've read them all multiple times) and I thought that it would work for my photo-of-the-day for today. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21.

Today is the 3rd week of January and the 3rd week of my project. So far I've really enjoyed it. Today was rainy so campus was full of umbrellas & girls in colorful rain boots. I was among the number but luckily it wasn't raining (just windy) when I went to the music building to practice piano. I really didn't know what to use for my picture today but I passed a tree with droplets on the edges of the needles. I thought well that's I pulled out my camera & shot a few pictures. I didn't ever take a picture I liked better so here it is, another picture of a rainy day. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day Twenty.

Today is day number twenty of my year-long project. So far it's going well & I'm enjoying the challenge every day. Today was amazingly warm for winter...but then again it is Georgia :). It is suppose to rain tomorrow so of course the clouds are coming in & blocking the sun. My parents gave me these awesome m&m's...they're premiums with mint fillings....& yes they're amazingly good. But while eating these yesterday night I thought they would be a good subject for a picture someday....& guess what? Today was their lucky day! =] So I turned on all of the lights in my dorm (lamp included) & piled some m&m's on my MacBook Pro. I experimented with multiple "designs"...including a pac man mouth...but I liked this picture best. The color turned out really neat & I like the focus. Though the apple is upside down, I am quite pleased with the picture.

PS - for those wondering, the (...well most of them) m&m's were not harmed during the photography shoot...just after. ;)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19.

Today was another gorgeous day. Campus was beautiful again and was calling my name. I am coming to realize that Tuesdays are going to be my hardest day this semester. So I did not have time to walk around campus to take a picture until 5:00. Once I did make my rounds & was coming back to my dorm, the sun was hitting one of the windows perfectly. I walked to where I could see a good angle (trying not to block the walkways) & took a few pictures. Looking into the viewfinder, the pictures looked like I had some special effect or filter on my camera for the picture. So I chose this picture because of how neat the light affects are on the building and trees. =]

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18. =]

Today was (& still is) beautiful. I was so happy to see that the sky was a perfect blue without a cloud in sight...especially since the past few days have been very bleak. So since today is Martin Luther King day, there were no classes...which was very nice for me. I got to sleep until 11 and then I had choir practice later. Walking to choir, I was looking around at the sky and trees and buildings...yeah ok, you have to have a photographer's mind to know haha. =] Everything was just beautiful and I couldn't wait until after choir so I could wander around with my camera. I took note of a few places to go to so after choir (I already had my camera of course) I went to the places I had noticed. There were many pictures that I liked but this one is my photo for day eighteen because I like the focus on the leaves & it shows just how pure blue the sky was. :)

Day 17

Yesterday was day number seventeen. Once again the weather was windy, and rainy. I had to take my trash out to the dumpster behind my dorm so I took my camera along. My college's campus is beautiful and I love looking at the buildings. Today though things weren't looking so bright and pretty. This picture isn't necessarily very photogenic but I chose it because of how dull and gray everything looks.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 16

So yesterday was a yucky, rainy day. I woke up to this dark weather & didn't know what I'd do for my picture. I had my lamp on working on some homework & one time that I was about to step out of my room, I looked at my desk & saw what it looked like. With only the lamp on, my laptop & desk looked pretty cool. I snapped a picture, liked it, & was on my way. Though I didn't spend much time working to find a picture I think the result is just fine. :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15.

I have an 8:00 Spanish class 4 days a week. I always enjoy seeing my beautiful campus in the early hours when there aren't many people around. The sky is always neat to watch, too, because of the changing colors. I have for a long time wanted to take my camera with me on the way to class & so this morning I did. The sky was a pretty gray with just the perfect light for good picture clarity. So this is the administration building on January 15th before the sun is fully risen. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day Fourteen.

Now I have been at this project for two weeks...hard to believe. Today was a busy day so I didn't have all that much time to wander around campus to find the perfect shot. After piano practice, I was walking back to my dorm & I saw this neat shot. Two buildings are overlapping (from my view point) & all points are going in the same I thought it looked cool. I took a couple of shots & was satisfied that I would have at least a decent picture for my photo-of-the-day. As it turns out...I really do like how this picture turned out. The clouds give it an interesting feel, more depth almost, & the lines created from the buildings help the picture flow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13.

Now that I have attended all of my new classes for the semester, all of my days will begin to blend into each other. Now I am adopting the habit of having my camera at my hip (or in my bag) at all times. Today I had to go to the bookstore (for another trip that I didn't think I'd have to make) & I was really liking how the sun was hitting the roof. As it turns out, I couldn't get the shot I wanted of the roof. I do admit though that I didn't take more than a couple of pictures, I found a picture I liked that wasn't of the roof so I wasn't too motivated to continue with my previous goal. So I ended up with a picture of leaves. Now I'd take it a little differently but I still like it. Leaves are something we see every day so it reminded me of my soon-to-be normal days.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day Twelve.

Today was the first day back to class. It was kind of stressful but every first day is. So after my 3 classes it was time to go to my piano lesson. The day was beautiful, the sky a perfect blue, not a cloud in sight. So I was looking forward to my chance to photograph something. I took my camera along on my walk across campus & tried to look for new angles in the buildings I see every day (& I must admit, have photographed many, many times). So I tried to focus on the trees closest to me instead of the building off in the distance, looking for new focal points, all of that fun stuff. So I finally settled on this one picture, though I did like a good few, because it is so different than what I’ve seen before through my lens. =]

Monday, January 11, 2010


Today is day 11 and my first full day back on campus. It's quiet in the dorm and around campus as people are getting adjusted back to college life. My grandmother gave me a set of reed diffusers for Christmas. Since we can't have candles in the dorm, I was excited about using them to make the dorm smell good. I like all of the scents but I decided to use the one labeled lilly of the valley first. I put it in my window sill and the sun was coming through the blinds so I thought the effect was pretty. I arranged things to have the setting I wanted & took a few pictures to get what I wanted. I laughed after I loaded them onto my computer because I took 11 pictures on day 11 on January 11, 2010. =]

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10

Today was my last day at home before moving back into my dorm at college. So with church & packing, I didn't have much time for photography. I did have to work in the nursery though so I got to see these two cute little kids. The one in the picture took a lot of attention from me. I would have liked to have gone to "big church" but it was nice to be able to be in the nursery with my mom. :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day Nine.

I can't believe that I've been at this for over a week. Today I didn't have anything in mind really, other than that I wanted to get a picture of this little miniature poinsettia in my house. After getting my camera out of my room, I saw this tiny tea set & that it was being hit perfectly by a ray of sun. So of course, I had to take a picture of it. As it turns out, I like this picture better than the ones I had meant to take. Which is fine with me because I didn't have to work to choose a picture. :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

dia ocho

Day number eight & I believe I'm caught up and hour and a half...haha. Yesterday & today I took a trip to Atlanta to visit my boyfriend. Georgia had been warned of snow but there were many doubts that nothing would actually happen towards that regard. But luckily in Atlanta, it actually did snow! Yes, I know, half an inch isn't much but still. That's a sight to see in most parts of Georgia. So waking up this morning, it was fun to look outside and see a white yard. My boyfriend's house has a deck on the back & there are bird feeders on the deck. Might I add these are very popular bird feeders? Well, it was a lovely sight for me & my camera this morning, watching all sorts of birds flying around coming to eat. I had fun trying to catch the different ones through my lens and just watching them. This picture is my favorite because of how drab the background looks but how brilliant the cardinal appears....a hidden snowy paradise. =]

Day Seven.

Though I'm a day late posting this, I did actually take this picture on January 7th. I chose this picture for multiple reasons, one being that I didn't get the chance to take many, but mainly because there is a funny story behind it. I had gone to visit my Mom at her work & when I was walking to my car to leave, I saw these trees silhouetted against the blue sky and coming clouds. I went to my passenger side door & got my camera out. I put my keys across in the driver's seat & must've pressed the lock button accidentally. So I took a couple of pictures, put my camera down in the seat, closed the door, & heard the famous "beep" of the VW car lock. So yeah I was locked out of my car with only my phone in my pocket. First time that's happened to me, all thanks to photography. =] After I got back into my car (thanks to my dad with the spare key), I had a laugh so it all turned out ok.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

xis yad.

So today is day number 6. Another beautiful day outside, though very breezy and chilly. After a trip to go shopping, I took the time to walk to and from the entrance of my neighborhood. Every year there are tons of little red berries that grow by our gate so I wanted to take a picture them. Though that was my goal, I took pictures along the way. I had stopped to take a picture of something along the side of the road and happened to look up into a near by tree, & guess what I saw? A little bird! I got excited because normally I don't see birds close enough to photograph. So I walked towards the tree & of course the bird disappeared into the tree. I started to walk away but the bird came back so I snuck up to the tree again. Luckily the bird stayed (another one came out, too) & I was able to take some neat shots. I couldn't zoom in quite as much as I'd like, but I do like this picture. Though this shot wasn't planned, I'm happy that I happened upon the chance to take it. =]

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5

So today I didn't really have an idea of what to do for my photograph-of-the-day. My mom & I needed to make a trip into town, so I took my camera with me. We went to the library which is close to my town's courthouse. I have always thought the courthouse was a nice looking building so I wanted to take some pictures of it. Since it is a very recognizable building, at least for my town, I wanted to find a different view. I played around with angles & color until I had a lot of pictures that I liked. This one, though, stands out the most to me as the most unique so it is my photograph for day 5.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - Sweet Treats

Today was the first of many days to come, I'm sure, where I won't be in the mood for photography. I was randomly stressed for no apparent reason so when I got home, I wasn't too excited about Day 4. But I went ahead anyway & looked for something to photograph. My mom & I made these yummy Christmas treats so I of course went straight for them after getting out of the car. I figured that I could work with these mints & find a good picture. So after playing around with them, I got this shot. And needless to say, I've been cheered up by my sweet treats. =]

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three.

Today is day number three of project 365. Since yesterday I explored my own yard, today I wanted to expand my horizons. So I went and drove around my little town. First going to an old barn across from my neighborhood, I went to a train station, church, my high school's track/brook, and board of education. Though I took many interesting pictures, this one is my favorite. I choose it as my photo for day three because of how many times I have visited the location of this photograph. Many times after I first received my camera, I went and walked around this old, broken down barn. I took some pictures I liked but I could never find any new view point. Today I was able to do exactly this & this is precisely why I chose this picture. This wheat might pass by unnoticed but I saw it & hopefully made it a special focus.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day #2 - 1/2/10

Today was such a beautiful day so I wanted to be sure to take advantage of this and start my work early. It was freezing outside so even in my hoodie I was cold. But none the less, I enjoyed wandering around my yard looking for something that caught my attention through my camera lens. A bird feeder hangs on a tree in my front yard with the help of this flowered hook. Sunflowers seem like happy flowers to me so I thought this would serve as a good subject. =] Day 2 down, 363 to go!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day - Day 1

Today is the first day of 2010 and is also the first day on my journey to achieve my New Year's resolution: Project 365. This project is something where photographers take one picture everyday for a year. Looking back, one can see personal growth and what has changed in a year. I am an aspiring photographer, so this is an exciting goal for me to take on.

Day 1 of work started off as the sun was setting...yes setting. I nearly forgot to take a picture but luckily I remembered in time to catch the last rays of the setting sun. This photograph is of a sun catcher in my kitchen window against the sunset. I actually bought this sun catcher myself for my mother a few years ago, which helps to make it special. This Project 365 is meant to show the photographer what is important in their life, so I find it fitting that crosses are etched onto the sun catcher.