Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18. =]

Today was (& still is) beautiful. I was so happy to see that the sky was a perfect blue without a cloud in sight...especially since the past few days have been very bleak. So since today is Martin Luther King day, there were no classes...which was very nice for me. I got to sleep until 11 and then I had choir practice later. Walking to choir, I was looking around at the sky and trees and buildings...yeah ok, you have to have a photographer's mind to know haha. =] Everything was just beautiful and I couldn't wait until after choir so I could wander around with my camera. I took note of a few places to go to so after choir (I already had my camera of course) I went to the places I had noticed. There were many pictures that I liked but this one is my photo for day eighteen because I like the focus on the leaves & it shows just how pure blue the sky was. :)

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