Friday, January 8, 2010

dia ocho

Day number eight & I believe I'm caught up and hour and a half...haha. Yesterday & today I took a trip to Atlanta to visit my boyfriend. Georgia had been warned of snow but there were many doubts that nothing would actually happen towards that regard. But luckily in Atlanta, it actually did snow! Yes, I know, half an inch isn't much but still. That's a sight to see in most parts of Georgia. So waking up this morning, it was fun to look outside and see a white yard. My boyfriend's house has a deck on the back & there are bird feeders on the deck. Might I add these are very popular bird feeders? Well, it was a lovely sight for me & my camera this morning, watching all sorts of birds flying around coming to eat. I had fun trying to catch the different ones through my lens and just watching them. This picture is my favorite because of how drab the background looks but how brilliant the cardinal appears....a hidden snowy paradise. =]

1 comment:

  1. This one is my favorite so far. It reminds me of a photo you would find on a January calendar.
