Wednesday, January 6, 2010

xis yad.

So today is day number 6. Another beautiful day outside, though very breezy and chilly. After a trip to go shopping, I took the time to walk to and from the entrance of my neighborhood. Every year there are tons of little red berries that grow by our gate so I wanted to take a picture them. Though that was my goal, I took pictures along the way. I had stopped to take a picture of something along the side of the road and happened to look up into a near by tree, & guess what I saw? A little bird! I got excited because normally I don't see birds close enough to photograph. So I walked towards the tree & of course the bird disappeared into the tree. I started to walk away but the bird came back so I snuck up to the tree again. Luckily the bird stayed (another one came out, too) & I was able to take some neat shots. I couldn't zoom in quite as much as I'd like, but I do like this picture. Though this shot wasn't planned, I'm happy that I happened upon the chance to take it. =]

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