Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26.

Today was another pure blue, cloudless, gorgeous looking day. I, for once, did not spend time walking around campus taking pictures of the perfect sky & buildings but had fun instead experimenting for my photo-of-the-day. I got a lunch to-go from the caf since I had a lot of work to do (I still do...but that's besides the point). For it, I made a salad & put some broccoli on it. As I was eating some of the broccoli, I thought as I always do, that this looks like a little mini tree. So I feel like I'm eating the branches & trunk of a tree as I eat it. I thought: well wouldn't this be a cool subject for my picture today. Then, I experimented with different backgrounds & settings but this is the picture that I choose. It is by far the most unique picture I've taken for this project, well maybe with the exception of the m&m's, & I think it is quite a cute little picture. :)

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