Monday, January 25, 2010

Day Twenty Five!

Ah, mondays. Thought it's hard to believe, today is the beginning of the first full week of classes for me & my university. It was also a bea-u-tiful day. =] I was so glad to see this & I was very excited to take pictures around campus. Though the day became 100% clear (with the exception of one tiny cloud), it started off slightly cloudy. So at 10 this morning (when I was walking to the music building) I enjoyed getting pictures with clouds & blue sky. I did not choose one of those pictures as my photo-for-the-day because I have so many similar to it. I choose this picture because it is of a flower, & I love taking flower pictures, though I haven't posted one yet this year. I really haven't had many opportunities to use flowers for my pictures but I'm glad I had this chance today. :)

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