Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day - Day 1

Today is the first day of 2010 and is also the first day on my journey to achieve my New Year's resolution: Project 365. This project is something where photographers take one picture everyday for a year. Looking back, one can see personal growth and what has changed in a year. I am an aspiring photographer, so this is an exciting goal for me to take on.

Day 1 of work started off as the sun was setting...yes setting. I nearly forgot to take a picture but luckily I remembered in time to catch the last rays of the setting sun. This photograph is of a sun catcher in my kitchen window against the sunset. I actually bought this sun catcher myself for my mother a few years ago, which helps to make it special. This Project 365 is meant to show the photographer what is important in their life, so I find it fitting that crosses are etched onto the sun catcher.

1 comment:

  1. I really love this picture! And I think it's really cool that you're doing this project. I can't wait to see all of your pictures!
