Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34

Today is February 3rd, 2010. I still forget to say February & 2010 but oh well...hopefully before too long my brain will catch up. :) My day yesterday ended better than it started. I finished the 4 page paper relatively quickly, for just having started yesterday, and was able to go to bed at a half-way decent time. So I had hoped today would be less stressful, & it has, but I still ended up doing a lot more than I had quite expected. It was a beautiful day & I am sad to say I barely had time to notice it. So my creative juices are not strong in my photo-of-the-day. Here is a button from my peacoat. It's not a terrible picture but it's definitely not my favorite. Now I have more homework to do & all I want is sleep....weekend oh weekend, where art thou weekend??

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